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10. Dr. Yingkui Zhao, Dean.JPG

Dean's Message

"Making a decision to go to College or University to continue your education and then choosing which College or University and which course to study will change your life.

Well done for considering higher education at ICEM!!​

I hope that between our website and our prospectus you will find all the information you require to make an informed decision about your future and which ICEM course is the right one for you. At ICEM you will be at the heart of everything we do. Our courses are very professional and we aim to give you the best possible chance of a successful and glorious career.​

'Empowering minds and Powering careers' is our slogan.​

While I am confident that all the courses offered by ICEM are interesting, challenging and exciting and will provide you with a secure foundation for your future career, it is very important to me that you choose the course which suits you the best."


Dr Yingkui Zhao 

College Dean

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International College of Engineering and Management

P.O. Box 2511, C.P.O. Seeb, P.C. 111

Sultanate of Oman

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