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Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of GFP students will be able to:


1. Communicate at a level of proficiency required to deal with Higher Education studies and acquire paraphrasing, outlining and summarising skills.

2. Explore the basic theories and concepts of Science, Math and IT and apply them in   problems relating to real life situations.

3.  Operate a computer competently using common applications software for creating  reports, presentations, graphs, dealing with tables and analysing data.

4. Work effectively as an individual or in a group to achieve goals.

General Foundation Programme Specifications & Modules

Aims of the Programme

The aims of the GFP at ICEM are to prepare its learners for Higher Educational studies by developing their English Language, Study Skills, Science, Mathematics and Computer Skills. The delivery of Study Skills is through the English language modules, whereas Mathematics, Science and Computer Skills are delivered in separate modules.



The General Foundation Programme Department of the International College of Engineering and Management is an incubation center where students hatch their proficiencies before moving on to Higher Education. ICEM GFP comprises three levels; F1, F2 and F3. Students are placed into these levels based on the outcome of their placement test results. All three Foundation levels consist of English, Mathematics, Science and Information Technology modules.


Apart from offering academic tutelage, ICEM GFP also offers students the opportunity of discovering and honing-in on their skills and abilities through well thought out and superlative extracurricular activities.  Under the able leadership of Head of Department, the ICEM GFP has achieved many milestones and success stories and will continue to reach for greater heights.


Rules & Regulation:

Pass Requirements & Progression to Higher Education

Your final results will be considered by the Foundation Assessment Board and this Board will make final decisions on your results. To pass ALL modules, students must achieve an overall grade of at least 50% or above.

There will be only one re-sit exam after the results are published. The dates of exams and re-sit exams will appear in the Academic Calendar.

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International College of Engineering and Management

P.O. Box 2511, C.P.O. Seeb, P.C. 111

Sultanate of Oman

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